Trendscouts zum Warm-up & Cool-down gesucht

Wer in den Urlaub fährt, nimmt seine Umwelt meist viel aufmerksamer als zu Hause wahr. Sollten Sie auf Reisen sinnvolle Erfindungen gegen das Schwitzen oder Frieren kennenlernen, würde mich freuen, wenn Sie mir davon berichten oder mir – am besten querformatige – Fotos mailen. Diesen englischsprachigen Text können Sie gern an befreundete Weltenbummler, Vielflieger und Tourguides weiterleiten.

Mail auf Englisch an Trendscouts

Dieses Anschreiben habe ich an Freunde und Kollegen in aller Welt gemailt, um immer am Puls der Zeit zu sein und die Neuigkeiten und Fotos auf meinem Online-Portal zu veröffentlichen. Weitere Tipps von Trendscouts sind jederzeit herzlich willkommen.

how are you these days? I would like to ask you a favor – and you might want to forward this mail to friends who don’t speak German.

As you know, I have been working as a health journalist in Germany for 18 years now. Five years ago, I started my own project. It’s all about how the human body deals with low and high temperatures, about freezing and sweating, and – in order to help people – about all the topics that I will discuss on my blog

So far, I’ve written three books and hundreds of posts on Twitter, Facebook and Google plus on this topic, and there is also my website – unfortunately, it’s still mostly in German. However, I am planning to translate my blog-texts very soon. In order to get some interesting content, I would like to ask you and your friends to send me pictures and helpful tips from all over the world.

In order to get new ideas about useful inventions or habits, I am looking for trendscouts, who send landscape pictures, videos, cartoons, ideas, funny stories, or jokes about freezing and sweating – together with some background information on what, where, and when. The publishing rights of the pictures, cartoons, and videos have to be free, so that I don’t get into trouble.

Unfortunately, I can’t pay anything right now for all this. But I can mention the author or photographer etc. and link to his or her website or blog.

Do you know any friends of yours, who would like to take part in this project? I would be glad to get in touch with them, because freezing and sweating is of course not only a German topic. It also has to do with saving energy, and that might even be a more important topic in other countries than in Germany. The reason: Abroad, airconditions are much more popular in private houses, office-buildings, stores, and malls than here. And heating systems don’t really make sense, when the heat rises up to the apartment-ceiling, but people are still freezing on the floor.

I am looking forward to making more popular. I will keep you updated about my blog and all the activities connected to it that I am planning.

Mit herzlichen Gruessen aus Muenchen von Karin Hertzer

Foto: Susi Heinz fotografierte den Sprühnebel zum Abkühlen in den Straßen von Shanghai. Im August 2012 war es nämlich in der chinesischen Metropole so heiß und schwül, dass das fahrbare Gerät die schwitzenden Passanten erfreute.

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